03. 01. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

04. 01. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

05. 01. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

06. 01. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

07. 01. 1997

Stormfree (rock night)

08. 01. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

09. 01. 1997

Bull Bozze (rock night)

10. 01. 1997

Hard Time + Lift (hard rock rock night)

11. 01. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

12. 01. 1997

Stainless (rock night)

13. 01. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

14. 01. 1997

Nervni slom (rock night)

15. 01. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

16. 01. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

17. 01. 1997

Hard Time + Lift (hard rock night)

18. 01. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

19. 01. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina (hard rock night)

20. 01. 1997

Stone Trodfers; Meat Market; Eyesburn (rock night)

21. 01. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

22. 01. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

23. 01. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

24. 01. 1997

Fall Down; Punishead (Hard Core Festival)

25. 01. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

26. 01. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina(hard rock night)

27. 01. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

28. 01. 1997

Vakum (rock night)

29. 01. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

30. 01. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

31. 01. 1997

Stormbringer (rock night)

01. 02. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

02. 02. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina (hard rock night)

03. 02. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

04. 02. 1997

Ugao (rock night)

05. 02. 1997

Patty Lucy + Eksperiment (Led Zeppelin night)

06. 02. 1997

Night Mare; Stainless (rock night)

07. 02. 1997

Vakum (rock night)

08. 02. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

09. 02. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina + Nefarius Hel

10. 02. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

11. 02. 1997

Blackened + Stainless (heavy metal night)

12. 02. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

13. 02. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

14. 02. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

15. 02. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

16. 02. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina; Sedmi pečat

17. 02. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

18. 02. 1997

Aeroplane (grunge rock night)

19. 02. 1997

Patty Lucy + Altera (Led Zeppelin night)

20. 02. 1997

Night Mare; Prodato

21. 02. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

22. 02. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

23. 02. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina (hard rock night)

24. 02. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

25. 02. 1997

Mišomor; Operacija mozga

26. 02. 1997

Patty Lucy; Loše postavljeni; Orion

27. 02. 1997

Night Mare; Damnatus; Virusi

28. 02. 1997

Lift + Dogma (hard rock night)

01. 03. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

02. 03. 1997

Id; Pigmalion; Urlik besnog pileta (hard rock night)

03. 03. 1997

Black Dog + Vox populi (pank rock night)

04. 03. 1997

New Hornets

05. 03. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

06. 03. 1997

Night Mare + Mortiša (hard rock night)

07. 03. 1997

Vakum + Baš Čelik (hard rock night)

08. 03. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

09. 03. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina; Prodato Band (hard rock night)

10. 03. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

11. 03. 1997

Libido (rock night)

12. 03. 1997

Patty Lucy + Sinhro (Led Zeppelin night)

13. 03. 1997

Night Mare + Samostalni referenti (hard rock night)

14. 03. 1997

Havoc + Mary Long (heavy metal night)

15. 03. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

16. 03. 1997

Ko je ubio Marvina+ Ugao (hard rock night)

17. 03. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

18. 03. 1997

Fire Balls; Arkada

19. 03. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

20. 03. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

21. 03. 1997

Havoc + Mary Long (heavy metal night)

22. 03. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

23. 03. 1997

Mortiša + Loše postavljeni + Bol (rock night)

24. 03. 1997

Wave (rock night)

25. 03. 1997

Imperator (yu rock night)

26. 03. 1997

Patty Lucy + Sultana (Led Zeppelin night)

27. 03. 1997

Night Mare + Poruga (hard rock night)

28. 03. 1997

Havoc + Mary Long (rock night)

29. 03. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

30. 03. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

31. 03. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

01. 04. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

02. 04. 1997

Patty Lucy + Sedmi pečat (Led Zeppelin night)

03. 04. 1997

Night Mare + Loše postavljeni

04. 04. 1997

Vakum (rock night)

05. 04. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

06. 04. 1997

Sinhro + Samostalni referenti (yu rock night)

07. 04. 1997

Time Machine (rock night)

08. 04. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

09. 04. 1997

Patty Lucy + Stroj (Led Zeppelin night)

10. 04. 1997

Night Mare + Prodato + Poruga (hard rock night)

11. 04. 1997

Filigrani (Azra veče)

12. 04. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

13. 04. 1997

Mortiša + Ko je ubio Marvina (rock night)

14. 04. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

15. 04. 1997

Figlio di putana (rock night)

16. 04. 1997

Patty Lucy + Trio Bluz Bend (rock night)

17. 04. 1997

Night Mare + Digresija (hard rock night)

18. 04. 1997

Havoc (hard rock night)

19. 04. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

20. 04. 1997

Loše postavljeni (rock night)

21. 04. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

22. 04. 1997

Anestezija + Big Mama (rock night)

23. 04. 1997

Patty Lucy + Kolaps + Apokalipsa + Štangle (rock night)

24. 04. 1997

Night Mare + Loše postavljeni (hard rock night)

25. 04. 1997

Vakum (rock night)

26. 04. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

27. 04. 1997

Urlik besnog pileta (rock night)

28. 04. 1997

Mišomor (punk night)

29. 04. 1997

Sinhro (hard rock night)

30. 04. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

01. 05. 1997

Night Mare + Lucid Mod Love + Sedmi pečat (rock night)

02. 05. 1997

Havoc + Stainless (heavy metal night)

03. 05. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

04. 05. 1997

Sultana (rock night)

05. 05. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

06. 05. 1997

Bensedin + Estetika + Samostalni referenti + Komplikatori (rock night)

07. 05. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

08. 05. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

09. 05. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

10. 05. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

11. 05. 1997

Southern Confort; Sultana (koncert povodom godišnjice smrti Boba Marlija (Bob Marley) – Zion, Baga Baga)

12. 05. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

13. 05. 1997

Southern Confort + Sultana (rock night)

14. 05. 1997

Patty Lucy (Led Zeppelin night)

15. 05. 1997

Night Mare + Tir (hard rock night)

16. 05. 1997

Havoc (hard rock night)

17. 05. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

18. 05. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

19. 05. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

20. 05. 1997

Altera (rock night)

21. 05. 1997

Patty Lucy + Sedmi pečat (Led Zeppelin night)

22. 05. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

23. 05. 1997

Havoc (hard rock night)

Block Out (koncert-prebaciti) ?

24. 05. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

25. 05. 1997

Loše postavljeni (rock night)

26. 05. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

27. 05. 1997

Southern Confort (rock night)

28. 05. 1997

Night Mare; Fireballs + Panta Rej (rock night)

29. 05. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

30. 05. 1997

Vakum (rock night)

31. 05. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

01. 06. 1997

En Joy In Sarma + Fall Down + Punished (Hard Core Festival)

02. 06. 1997

Fireballs (hard rock night)

03. 06. 1997

Knut (rock night)

04. 06. 1997

Meat Market +Santos + Poruga (rock night)

05. 06. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

06. 06. 1997

Havoc (hard rock night)

07. 06. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

08. 06. 1997

John Doe (grunge rock night)

09. 06. 1997

New Hornets (KUD Idijoti night)

10. 06. 1997

Mary Long + Paradoks + Eksperiment (rock night)

11. 06. 1997

Night Mare + Prodato + Poruga (rock night)

12. 06. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

14. 06. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

15. 06. 1997

Altera + Druidi (hard rock night)

16. 06. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

17. 06. 1997

Loše postavljeni (rock night)

18. 06. 1997

Night Mare + Imperator + Santos (hard rock night)

19. 06. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

20. 06. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

22. 06. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

23. 06. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

24. 06. 1997

Obi + Access Denied + Comrades (rock night)

25. 06. 1997

Night Mare + John Kliz (hard rock night)

26. 06. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

27. 06. 1997

Havoc (hard rock night)

28. 06. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

29. 06. 1997

Imperatori (yu rock balads night)

30. 06. 1997

Black Dog (rock night)

Jul / avgust bašta:

01. 07. 1997

Loše postavljeni (punk rock night)

02. 07. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

03. 07. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

04. 07. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

05. 07. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

06. 07. 1997

BS Five + Mind's Eye (hard rock night)

07. 07. 1997

Hard Black Dog (rock night)

08. 07. 1997

Lipstik Traces (hard rock night)

09. 07. 1997

Hard rock night - Night Mare, Sirijus

10. 07. 1997

Trio Rio (latino night)

11. 07. 1997

Don Savoni (rock night)

12. 07. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

13. 07. 1997

The Oversexed + Scrumgrief + Nuklearni otpad + Schubert Dip (hard core night)

14. 07. 1997

Hard Black Dog (rock night)

15. 07. 1997

BS Five + Minds' Eye (hard rock night)

16. 07. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

17. 07. 1997

Baš Čelik (yu rock night)

18. 07. 1997

Havoc (hard rock night)

19. 07. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

20. 07. 1997

Del Giganto Cazzo (hard rock night)

21. 07. 1997

Hard Black Dog (rock night)

22. 07. 1997

Hard Southern Confort (rock night)

23. 07. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

24. 07. 1997

Cirkus (rock night)

25. 07. 1997

Filigrani (Azra veče)

26. 07. 1997

Radijacija, unplugged (yu rock night)

27. 07. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

28. 07. 1997

Radijacija, unplugged (yu rock night)

29. 07. 1997

Imperija, unplugged (yu rock balade)

30. 07. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

31. 07. 1997

Del Giganto Cazzo (hard rock night)

01. 08. 1997

Lipstick Traces (hard rock night)

02. 08. 1997

Radijacija, unplugged (yu rock night).

03. 08. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

04. 08. 1997

Sobines + Bojkot + Kolaps + Heavy Weight (heavy metal night)

05. 08. 1997

Imperija, unplugged (yu rock balade)

06. 08. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

07. 08. 1997

Kiza (iz grupe Radijacija), unplugged (yu rock night)

08. 08. 1997

Havoc (heavy metal night)

09. 08. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

10. 08. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

11. 08. 1997

Mišomor (punk rock night)

12. 08. 1997

Sinhro (hard rock night)

13. 08. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

14. 08. 1997

BS Five + Minds' Eye (hard rock night)

15. 08. 1997

Lipstick Traces (hard rock night)

16. 08. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

17. 08. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

18. 08. 1997

Hard Black Dog (rock night)

19. 08. 1997

Fireballs (hard rock night)

20. 08. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

21. 08. 1997

Lee Oswald (punk rock night)

22. 08. 1997

Trula koalicija (heavy metal night)

23. 08. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

24. 08. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

25. 08. 1997

Irons (heavy metal night)

26. 08. 1997

Blackened (heavy metal night)

27. 08. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

28. 08. 1997

Lee Oswald (punk rock night)

29. 08. 1997

Don Savoni (ex yu rock night)

30. 08. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

31. 08. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

01. 09. 1997

Black Dog (hard rock night)

02. 09. 1997

Black Magic (hard rock night)

03. 09. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

04. 09. 1997

Lee Oswald (punk rock night)

05. 09. 1997

Inside Out (heavy metal night)

06. 09. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

07. 09. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

08. 09. 1997

Black Dog (hard rock night)

09. 09. 1997

Blackened (heavy metal night)

10. 09. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

13. 09. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

14. 09. 1997

Discord (hard core night)

15. 09. 1997

Hard Black Dog (rock night)

16. 09. 1997

Del Giganto Cazzo (hard rock night)

17. 09. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

18. 09. 1997

Black Leders (rockabily night)

20. 09. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

21. 09. 1997

Mary Long (hard rock night)

22. 09. 1997

New Hornets (KUD Idijoti night)

23. 09. 1997

Del Giganto Cazzo (hard rock night)

24. 09. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

25. 09. 1997

Lee Oswald (punk rock night)

26. 09. 1997

Havoc (heavy metal night)

27. 09. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

28. 09. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

29. 09. 1997

Black Dog (hard rock night)

30. 09. 1997

Lipstick Traces (hard rock night)

01. 10. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

02. 10. 1997

Traumat, promocija novog albuma (heavy metal night)

03. 10. 1997

Havoc (heavy metal night)

04. 10. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

05. 10. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

06. 10. 1997

Hard Black Dog (rock night)

07. 10. 1997

Traumat (heavy metal night)

08. 10. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

09. 10. 1997

Mišomor (punk rock night)

11. 10. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

12. 10. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

13. 10. 1997

Black Magic (hard rock night)

14. 10. 1997

Blackened (metallica night)

15. 10. 1997

Night Mare (hard rock night)

16. 10. 1997

Black Leders (rockabily night)

17. 10. 1997

Havoc + Mary Long (heavy metal night)

18. 10. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

19. 10. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

20. 10. 1997

Atlantic (rock night)

21. 10. 1997

Blue S'tone (blues night)

22. 10. 1997

Night Mare + Psicho Candy + Dry Vagina + Totalna improvizacija (hard rock night)

23. 10. 1997

Baga Baga (afro night)

24. 10. 1997

Havoc (heavy metal night)

25. 10. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

26. 10. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

27. 10. 1997

Atlantic (rock night)

28. 10. 1997

Manuskript (rock night)

29. 10. 1997

Trio Blues Band + Totem + Fidbek + Psicho Candy (blues night)

30. 10. 1997

Hard Southern Confort (rock night)

31. 10. 1997

Mary Long + Havoc (hard & heavy night)

01. 11. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

02. 11. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

03. 11. 1997

Kolaps + Bojkot + Čudo neviđeno (rock night)

04. 11. 1997

Ella-ee (pop & punk night)

05. 11. 1997

Blue S'tone (blues night)

06. 11. 1997

Odiseja 2013 + Totalni opoziv + Psicho Candy (rock night)

07. 11. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

08. 11. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

09. 11. 1997

Mob Law + Malfunction (hard core night)

10. 11. 1997

New Hornet (veče yu rokačine)

11. 11. 1997

Sklop + Komplikatori (rock night)

12. 11. 1997

Blue S'tone (blues night)

13. 11. 1997

Imperijal (heavy metal night)

14. 11. 1997

Havoc (heavy metal night)

15. 11. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

16. 11. 1997

Imperator + Odiseja + All Ages + To Live For (rock night)

17. 11. 1997

Tormentor + Orion (rock night)

18. 11. 1997

Psicho Candy (alternative night)

19. 11. 1997

Blue S'tone (blues night)

20. 11. 1997

Odiseja + Splins + Bigoti (rock night)

21. 11. 1997

Ludilo + En Joy In Sarma (heavy metal night)

22. 11. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

23. 11. 1997

Totalni opoziv + Lee Oswald + Ludi stanar + Mustaći (punk rock night)

24. 11. 1997

Gašeni kreč (rock night)

25. 11. 1997

All Of Us (hard core night)

26. 11. 1997

Blue S'tone (blues night)

27. 11. 1997

Morski noj + Dry Vagina + Odiseja (rock night)

28. 11. 1997

Havoc (heavy metal night)

29. 11. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

30. 11. 1997

Vakum (hard rock night)

01. 12. 1997

Psicho Candy + Big Mama + Sobines + Aus Ge Bombt (rock night)

02. 12. 1997

Atlantic (rock night)

03. 12. 1997

Altera + Sirijus (rock night)

04. 12. 1997

Lazy + Infants + Zločin i kazna + Giganto Cazzo (rock night)

05. 12. 1997

Sixteen Tons (pop night)

06. 12. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

07. 12. 1997

Daturas Stramonium + Discord (heavy metal night)

08. 12. 1997

New Hornets + Mišomor (veče yu rokačine)

09. 12. 1997

Štraft + Raspad sistema + Mustaći (rock night)

10. 12. 1997

Geto (blues night)

11. 12. 1997

Baga Baga (reggae night)

12. 12. 1997

Mary Long (hard rock night)

13. 12. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

14. 12. 1997

Odiseja (yu rock night)

15. 12. 1997

Raspad sistema + The Shits + Lee Oswald + Dry Vagina + Obdukcija (punk rock night)

16. 12. 1997

Azazel + E + Đavo i drugari + Morski noj (rock night)

17. 12. 1997

Straight  Jackin + S.K.I.D.S (rap night)

18. 12. 1997

BS 5 + Mind S'eye (rock night)

19. 12. 1997

Punished + Fall Down + En Joy In Sarma (hard core night)

20. 12. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

21. 12. 1997

Imperijal (heavy metal night)

22. 12. 1997

Orion (rock night)

23. 12. 1997

Cool Gates (alternative night)

24. 12. 1997

Šablon (pop rock night)

25. 12. 1997

Mitogen + Sklop (punk rock night)

26. 12. 1997

Motor Head + Ludilo (hard metal night)

27. 12. 1997

Radijacija (yu rock night)

28. 12. 1997

Vakum + Ringišpil (hard rock night)

29. 12. 1997

Lipstick Traces (hard rock night)

30. 12. 1997

Radijacija, 3. godina grupe (yu rock night)